Art and Artists of Indiana Honig, George H. 704 Furniture Bldg., Evansville, Ind.
![]() Who's Who in Evansville Alda McCoy Honig Not unlike her artist-husband Mrs. Alda McCoy Honig is also an artist--a master of the piano, attested to by scores of recitals in all parts of the country. She has the distinction of having had advanced musical training with Theodore Leschetizky, of Vienna, the teacher of the famous pianist, Paderewski. She also studied under Emil Liebling, Chicago, who said of her, "You possess genuine musical ability and I feel confident of your professional success", and Madame Marguerite Meville, of London and Vienna. Mrs. Honig was born at Richland, in Spencer County, Indiana, the daughter of Dr. L. H. and Emnaline (Hatfield) McCoy. She came to Evansville in 1916 and was married to Mr. George H. Honig, the sculptor, on June 12, 1917. After graduating from the music department of DePauw university she was elected to a Professorship in the school and served as a member of the faculty for several years. She has been Program Chairman of the Evansville Musicians' Club, Music Chairman of the First District Federated Women's Clubs, and First District Chairman for the Hoosier Program Bureau, an outgrowth of the Hoosier Salon Patrons' Association. She has also served as Chairman on many committees for civic music work and for the City Recreational department on community concerts. She is Chairman of the state Music Committee of Federated Music Clubs. In the Honig Studio at 209 Locust Street you will find her diligently at work on her music.
![]() Who's Who in Evansville George H. Honig Among the worthy people in whom Evansville is interested is George H. Honig, sculptor of international reputation, who has found this community receptive to his many works of art. His studio, piled high with the works of his brain and hand, mutely attest to the many hours of studious effort he has put forth for his people. Glance about you in any part of the City and you will find his bits of genius in plaques and full figure. Mr. Honig was born on August 3, 1874, the son of Simon and Mary (Killian) Honig at Rockport, Indiana. He came to Evansville in October of 1915. He attended the Rockport High School, Indiana University and the National Academy of Design at New York. For his work in sculpture he holds the Suydam Bronze Medal, awarded in 1914, and the Suydam Silver Medal, awarded in 1915, and is one of eleven persons in Evansville listed in "Who's Who In America." He was also listed in the American Art Manual in 1919. For eight years Mr. Honig has been Treasurer of the Southwestern Indiana Historical Society, and is now Treasurer of the Society of Fine Arts and History and Second Vice-President of the Historical Research and Reference Committee of the Indiana Lincoln Union. He holds memberships in both the Indiana Historical Society and the Indiana Audubon Society, and the Sigma Chi Fraternity of Indiana University. At his Studio, 209 Locust Street, you can find Mr. Honig at work. On June 2, 1917, he married Alda McCoy. Work of George H. Honig, Evansville Sculptor - Bronze Group on Facade of Evansville Coliseum Work of George H. Honig, Evansville Sculptor - The Hiker Work of George H. Honig - Transylvania Commemorative Tablets Work of George H. Honig - Transylvania Commemorative Tablets, Continued Work of George H. Honig - Lincoln Bust Work of George H. Honig - Audubon Tablet Work of George H. Honig - Joseph Fountain Work of George H. Honig - Wunderlich Flagpole in Sunset Park
![]() TRI-STATE TALES There's no telling when it will be ready for the printers, but there's a new book about Abraham Lincoln on the way.
The Evansville Courier, May 20, 1957 Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper. George Honig Cited By Art Fraternity
George Honig, 82 year-old He was named as the fraternity's first honorary member
during ceremonies in the Honig was praised for
his more than 40 years of contribution to Honig's work includes the two bronze war memorial groups at
the Evansville Coliseum, done in 1916, and a series of bronze tablets honoring Among his other accomplishments was creation of Rockport's Honig has long been interested in marking the area's little known historic landmarks with sculptured signs elevated on concrete posts so they may be seen by passing motorists. A native of Rockport, the sculptor has taken a lifetime
interest in the Other artists and designers honored by the national Kappa Pi fraternity include Aaron Bohrod, Alexander Brook, John Steuart Curry, Grant Wood, Lamar Dodd, Rockwell Kent, Fred Ludekens, Reginald Marsh, Fletcher Martin, Frederick Taubes, and Frank Lloyd Wright. The local Kappa Pi chapter, which has 20 members, has been active on the Evansville College Campus for four years. An exhibition of paintings by three senior art majors, Eldon Katter, Connie Miller and Dawn Moore, was viewed prior to the reception for Honig.
Biographies of American Artists Active from 1898 - 1947 Honig, George H. [Por. P, S] Evansville, IN b. 1881, Rockport, IN
Mantle Fielding's Dictionary of American Painters, Sculptors and Engravers Honig, George H.
The Henderson Journal, May 21, 1925 Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper. Henderson, Kentucky, Honors Audubon, The Famous Naturalist ![]() A Sculptured Bronze Memorial Tablet Erected On the Main street side of Mann Bros. department store, Henderson, Ky., there is a new bronze memorial tablet, obtained at the instance of the Henderson County Historical Society, designed by George H. Honig, Evansville Sculptor, and generously erected by Mann Bros. It is in Honor of John James Audubon, America's noted naturalist of the past century. (Written for the Henderson Journal by Young E. Alison, on the Editorial staff of the Louisville Courier Journal) The women of the Historical Society were fortunate, indeed, in the choice of George H. Honig, of Evansville, to execute the Audubon Placque so generously provided for by Mann Bros. The portrait medalion at the head of the tablet is a triumph of art both in spirit and execution. Those who have seen the original portrait, or its marvelous reproduction in line drawing, will recognize with a thrill that Mr. Honig has seized its very spirit of wild freedom and virile beauty and has called to life in bronze that which the painter saw in Audubon and fixed forever as the ideal of Nature's own Forester. I have seen many memorial tablets, executed by many artists, but none exceeds Honig's Audubon in the wide and splendid sweep of its lines--lines so few that the very simplicity and meagreness of the means used astonishes with the multiplicity of the effects it produces. It is an art treasure Henderson should jealously guard. The name of Honig may yet add great prestige to the itinerary of art in the thing itself. ![]() Honig wrote across this article: Allison wrote the poem--Ho! Ho! Ho! and a bottle of Rum, etc. and a native of Henderson, Ky. Born there.