![]() The following newspaper articles describe the doll. Photo courtesy of Willard Library. The Rockport Democrat, September 1, 1933 Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper. Nancy Hanks Doll, Rockport Entry, Wins State Fidac Contest At Legion Convention The state meeting of the American Legion at Evansville bestowed on Rockport an honor that will mean much to our city and Spencer county, if the hopes of those directly interested come true and there is much to lend encouragement to the belief that they will, was the awarding of state honors to the Pioneer Nancy Hanks Lincoln Doll, placed on exhibition by Jenkins Post, American Legio auxiliary of this place. The doll is the thought of our well known sculptor, George H. Honig, whose work has brought him very favorable notice throughout southern Indiana and the state. The doll is the artists' conception of the appearance of Nancy Hanks Lincoln and into the face he has woven a semblance of Abe's expression that is very impressive. There is no picture of this sainted lady in existence and the artist has depended upon history and legends for the conception that he has so skillfully put into this masterpiece of his hand. The doll face possesses a delicate and charming refinement in its expression that leaves nothing to be surmised as to the artist's true conception of this lovely pioneer woman who gave so much to this country and whose grave in Lincoln park is a shrine that touches the hearts of a nation. In the arrangement of the hair and the dress the artist has portrayed the style of the day in which she lived to the minutest detail and in perfect keeping with that of pioneer woman. In his conception and the carrying into effect his ideas Mr. Honig has demonstrated an ability that merits the heart, cooperation of all in carrying his idea into a complete success. The dressing of the doll was left to members of the auxillary who carried out Mr. Honig's ideas. Mrs. Florence Wandel was chairman of the committee. The material for the doll's clothing was furnished by Mrs. Edna Ice, an auxillary member. The cloth is brown in color and similar to that in use during Nancy Hanks Lincoln's day. Mrs. Richard Walker and Mrs. Clyde Brown made the clothing and dressed the doll, while Mrs. Roy Martin arranged its hair which was parted in the middle and drawn back into a knot at the back of the neck, a style very much in vogue in those days. The material out of which the dress was made was 100 years old and had come down to Mrs. Ice as a family heirloom. The judges were Mrs. Kate Milner Rabb and a worker of the state library. The doll now will be entered in the national contest and it is the sincere hope of every one in the Lincoln country that it will carry off first honors. Mr. Honig is advancing his hopes for some wonderful achievements as a result of his doll idea. It is his idea to make a number of dolls for sale, this "Nancy Hanks Lincoln" doll to be placed on sale to the highest bidder and he believes that at least $500 can be obtained for it. This with money for other dolls and copyrighted pictures he wants used to construct a Lincoln cabin at this place and to mark all the historic spots here intimately associated with Lincoln's life. Mr. Honig should receive the hearty cooperation of all in his worthy endeavors, which if put into effect will make Rockport and Spencer county a "Lincoln country" in reality and be the means of bringing to this section thousands of tourists. ![]() The Rockport Democrat, October 13, 1933 Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper. Nancy Hanks Doll Wins Fifth in National Contest George Honig's Nancy Hanks Lincoln doll, entered by the Jenkins Post American Legion Unit, of this city, won fifth place in the national Fidac contest at Chicago last week. The doll had previously won state honors in the Indiana American Legion contest. The doll was chosen from 60 by Mrs. Lowell F. Herbert, past national American Legion Auxiliary president, and past regent general of the Daughters of the American Revolution, to be entered in the national women's council exposition in Cincinnati. The doll's face is modeled of clay and was dressed in colonial clothing. Its features resemble those of the Lincoln family. Other dolls, it is said, were reproductions of pictures. ![]() The Rockport Democrat, March 16, 1995 Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper. Hoosier Ancestors (The above articles were repeated in 1955 along with the request below. -Ed. (What happened to this doll? Has it survived to this day? Anyone having any information please contact, Leta Alley, 5801 Brentwood Court, Evansville, In. 47715l.) ![]() |