The University of Southern Indiana has in its art collection original sketches by Honig. Some were used in the 30 Drawings of Evansville. Their title was Little Book of Evansville. Credit is given to the Collection of the University of Southern Indiana, Evansville, Indiana. They are not be reproduced for any other media without the consent of the University, April 30, 2007. Evansville Waterfront 1918, Charcoal on Paper Little Market, 1918, Charcoal on Paper National City Bank, 1918, Charcoal on Paper Young Abe Lincoln, Pencil on Paper
This booklet - 30 Drawings of Evansville, by George H. Honig was printed and engraved by Keller-Crescent Company of Evansville and appears to be from 1935. It was found in the Evansville Central Library under Honig, R, 917.7233, H77t. The sketches are glued to the pages and there are actually 34 drawings. VI. American Trust and Savings Bank VIII. The Citizens National Bank IX. The Memorial Coliseum Bldg. XI. The Spirit of Nineteen Sixteen XII. Where Hugh McGary Landed in 1817 XIII. Residence of Mayor Bosse XV. Fourth Street Looking North XVIII. The Old State National Bank XXII. Crescent Club and McCurdy Hotel XXIII. Decoration Day in Evansville XXVI. Residence of Hon. John W. Boehne XXVIII. Parsons and Scoville Co. XXIX. The Old State Bank and Chamber of Commerce XXXII. Thornton Place, Newburgh XXXIII. Washington Avenue Presbyterian Church |