at DePauw University Researched October 25, 2002
Bulletin of DePauw University II. School of Music (The students are classified by their "Major" work, which may be in any one of these four departments: Pianoforte (p.), Pipe Organ (o.), Voice (v.) or Violin (vn.). Where several of these lines of work are pursued at the same time, the first one indicates the "Major". The classification in the subjects other than the "Major" is not indicated.) Seniors McCoy, Aldah Victoria, p. Lake Bulletin of DePauw University Tabulated View of College Course
Bulletin of DePauw University Schedule of Expenses Pianoforte Second Term - $17.00 Special Charges Pianoforte Practice, four hours a day per term (more or fewer hours at the same rate per hour) - $9.00 Tickets for Artists' Concerts, per term, not to exceed - $1.00 Students' expenses for board and rooms, including heat and light, need not exceed $3.80 to $4.00 per week, and are often secured at less than this cost. Bulletin of DePauw University Concerts and Recitals No. 986. Senior Recital (Piano) - Miss Aldah McCoy, June 5. The DePauw Mirage Alda McCoy, Lake, Indiana Alpha Chi Omega Bulletin of DePauw University School of Music Aldah Victoria McCoy, Tutor in Pianoforte. The DePauw Mirage DePauw Concert Club (An Excerpt) To properly summarize the concert requires a few lines concerning the entertainers. Of Miss Aldah Victoria McCoy but few new remarks can be made. Her frequent and charming appearances before DePauw audiences have won her a reputation for artistic work on the piano. Her tone shades, grace and ease of interpretation, and the feeling she infuses into her difficult compositions are highly pleasing. The Sombrero School of Music Aldah Victoria McCoy, Assistant in Pianoforte. Alumnal Record Class of 1905 M-64. Aldah Victoria McCoy, Teacher of Pianoforte, Greencastle, Ind. Born, April 14, 1885, in Lake, Indiana. Teacher of pianoforte since graduation; now professor of Pianoforte, School of Music, DePauw University. The DePauw Mirage Alumnal Record Class of 1905 M-64. Aldah Victoria McCoy, Teacher of Pianoforte, Greencastle, Ind. Born, April 14, 1885, in Lake, Indiana. Teacher of pianoforte since graduation; now professor of Pianoforte, School of Music, DePauw University. Alumnal Record Edited by Martha J. Ridpath Published by the University Class of 1905, Page 341 Born, April 14, 1885, Lake, Ind. Teacher of pianoforte, School of Music, DePauw University; professor of same. Married, June 12, 1917, to George Henry Honig, Chicago, Ill. DePauw Alumnus Class of 1905 Mrs. Alda McCoy Honig lives in Rockport, Ind., where she carries on her musical activities in her studio. She assists in many concerts in Rockport, Evansville, and other towns. Her husband is a well-known sculptor of southern Indiana. DePauw Alumnus Class of 1905 Alda McCoy Honig (Mrs. George H.) of Rockport, Indiana, was honored recently by the inclusion of her name in the third volume of "Principle Women of America." This publication which is the "Who's Who" of American women, lists her as having studied in Vienna and Australia (Austria? - Ed.) with Mme. Marguerite Lizniewska and Leschetzky. Mrs. Honig is a former president of the Rockport Musicale. DePauw University Library - Archives and Special Collections Information for Your Personal Folder First Page of Questionnaire (In her own handwriting) Second Page of Questionnaire (In her own handwriting) Relatives and students reported that, even later in life, she would arise at 5:00 AM and practice her scales for one hour. |