The Rockport Democrat, August 23, 1935

Article was typed as it was worded in the newspaper.


Rockport Citizens Have Picnic Supper At Park Monday; Present Token of Appreciation to Designer


The supper picnic party sponsored by the Historical Society, given in the city park Monday evening, was a very delightful affair. The late afternoon was an ideal one for the affair and a large crowd took advantage of the occasion for an enjoyable meal and the good social time it provided. The eats were par excellent and served in cafeteria style and we did not note a bashful person in the crowd.

Those having any article of pioneer type which they could donate toward the furnishing of the buildings, were asked to bring them and quite a number made contributions which are greatly appreciated by the society.

Near the conclusion of the affair Mrs. Bess V. Ehrmann, president of the Historical Society, presented George H. Honig, builder of the Pioneer Village, a purse of money contributed by the citizens of Rockport as a mark of esteem and appreciation for the time and labor he so generously contributed in making his dream of the village come true. He was also presented a copy of resolutions adopted by the City of Rockport, Kiwanis Club, Chamber of Commerce and the Historical Society. Mr. Honig was presented to the audience and given an ovation. He was overcome by this demonstration of appreciation of work on the part of the Rockport people and was unable to respond.

The resolutions presented to him are as follows:

WHEREAS, one of our citizens, George H. Honig, artist and sculptor, has donated six months of his valuable time and labor to the building of a National Lincoln Memorial here in the City of Rockport, and in this way shown his loyality and unselfish devotion to the city of his birth,

BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the members of the Spencer County Historical Society, the Rockport Chamber of Commerce, the Rockport Kiwanis Club, acknowledge our deep appreciation for the work Mr. Honig has done in building The Pioneer Village;

That we send him a copy of his resolution, expressing in this way the sincere thanks of a grateful city;

That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of each of the above mentioned organizations as a permanent record for the future, and that copies of the same be given to the local newspapers.

CITY OF ROCKPORT—Harvey T. Chinn, Mayor; D. W. Kessner, clerk.

KIWANIS CLUB—T. V. Pruitt, president; Warren F. Lindsey, secretary.

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE—H. J. Kerstien, president; Thos. Fortune, secretary.

SPENCER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY—Bess V. Ehrmann, president; Laura Mercy Wright, secretary.